September - October 2024
5+ years old
Season DATES
The season is 6 weeks long on Fridays at 5 pm. Exact dates TBD. Practices are one hour in length. Note that there is no class on Oct 6, but families are welcome to watch the Judo United tournament at West Valley College.
CJ Judo Training Center: 1244 S Bascom Ave, San Jose, CA 95128
Fee and equipment
Judo Gi is included in the $165 registration fee.
We are proud of partner with CJ judo offering kids aged 5+ to gain the fundamentals and experience with Judo. The practice of judo techniques helps kids cultivate basic and fundamental physical fitness in a number of ways, such as the development of strength, flexibility, agility, speed, dynamic and static balance, explosive power and endurance. The practice of active attack and defense helps develop reaction time, coordination and overall self-confidence. Yet, there is no punching, kicking or strikes of any kind in the sport of Judo.
Commissioner Chuck Jefferson: chuck.jefferson@sanjosecys.org
CJ Judo Training Center
1244 S Bascom Ave
San Jose, CA 95128